Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Let's Talk About Joy

If I were to ask you what makes you happy, I'm sure I would get an array of answers. We're all uniquely wired with our own preferences. I also think that I would get a new set of answers on different days of the week. The truth is that happiness is based on our circumstances. Today, I'd like to share about joy and one aspect, although there are many, that can steal that joy away from us.
Joy is easily confused with happiness. But actually, it is very different. Just as sure as happiness is based on our circumstances, joy is based on a relationship.This relationship is established when you become a follower of Christ. Joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit. We can't muster it up ourselves. It is evidence that God is recreating us to be more like Him.
We can be experiencing something very unpleasant, but still have a deep-rooted joy inside.It's a peace that says, "No matter what's going on around me, I know that I'm being held in God's hands." It creates in us the ability to see past our circumstances and into the positives of the situation and others. When our heart is filled with joy, the Holy Spirit can actually help us overlook the negatives as we focus on what is noble and right, pure and lovely, anything admirable, excellent or praiseworthy. (Phil.4:8) We are told to think on these things.
We're choosing to walk in the flesh when we hold a grudge. It will steal the joy right out of us. "Love keeps no record of when it has been wronged." (1 Cor.13:5)
It would be wonderful if this happened overnight. But the more we choose to follow God's words and yield to the Holy Spirit, the more we will know this deep-rooted joy that encourages us and others. We need God's joy to walk victoriously on this journey together. The joy of the Lord is our strength!

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful message. Lord, I pray that I will always be reminded that happiness is but a fleeting pleasurable moment in my life. A moment created by circumstances and desires. May I always strive to attain Joy in my life as it is my divine connection to a closer walk with you. Lord whenever I settle for finding pleasure in that which is temporary, I ask you to take my hand and lead me toward the light of your love and word so I might find "everlasting" Joy and peace. In your precious son's name, Jesus, thy will be done.
