Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Experiencing God's Presence in Worship

When we come together at church, our first priority is to worship and exalt God. We are created for something bigger than ourselves. We serve a God Who is all-knowing, all-powerful, and everywhere at once. He was here before creation and He lives forever. He formed the terrain of the earth and everything on it. What an imagination, to bring into being all the different species of animals. What an Artist, to design the beauty of each delicate flower complete with its own signature fragrance. His canvas gives birth every morning. He hugs us when evening comes with the setting sun and secures us with the starry lights of the heavens. He has chosen to reveal Himself by wrapping us in His beauty. And yes - this great God of the universe gave His life for us. He desires us to be with Him for eternity.

He offers a glimpse of that each time we gather together for corporate worship. The bible tells us that, "Where two or more are gathered in My name, there I am in the midst of them." Are we expecting to connect with Him? He is waiting. Are we preparing ourselves before we get to church so that we can be more intimately acquainted with this marvelous God?

He offers Himself to us; but we have to want it. We must be watchful for Him. There will be distractions. The enemy doesn't want us to experience God's presence. He would rather have us involved in conversation with each other while the worship is taking place. I fear that this breaks God's heart. In James, it says that "God desires to draw near to us as we draw near to Him." We must make a conscious decision to draw near to Him. He is sitting among us every time we gather. Are we actively desiring to encounter Him? He is waiting for us to get serious.

The next time we gather, let's be deliberate in our focus. To be pro-active in our worship is to anticipate meeting with God. Pray the songs, rather than just singing the lyrics. Commune inwardly, rather than conversing with the person next to you. There is plenty of time for fellowship before and after the service. This will also help others to focus in as well. Expect nothing ... and receive nothing. Expect much ... and receive more than you can conceive. Worshiping God is an action that no one else can do for you. Everyone has to learn how to do it for themselves. Let's be of one mind and welcome Him - eager to expect Him to meet with us in a special way.


  1. What an awesome God we serve. His love and forgiveness is unending. So often going to church can become just a habit...although a joyful one...we can forget it is yet another opportunity to seek God's presence in our personal lives. For me, I love and cherish my special time with God through music. The pattern of the notes on a sheet of Christian music look like people traveling the ups and down's of life, and yet when they are played they become the sweet melody of conversations with the Lord. The precious notes and words of a song seem to extend a hand and welcome me into God's heart beats a little faster as my Heavenly Father holds me in his arms and sings along with me. Its so important in God's House that our conversations be only with God during that time and to realize that outside conversations are distractions orchestrated by Satan. Yes, Satan comes to church too...but not to seek conversation with God but to steal our opportunities to talk to Him. Thank you Beth for this message as it is a reminder to be grateful for every moment we have to praise, love and worship the Lord.

  2. Beautifully, elegantly stated, put.
    AMEN to the highest power lol. I couldn't agree with the both of you more. And Mrs. Nancy may I say you are gifted in language and writing, yourself. Very descriptive, detailed writing. Heartfelt, yes.

    Love this "To be pro-active in our worship is to anticipate meeting with God" Expect, expect, expect. Declare and profess. Don't hold or have a negative expectation. In having such will miss-out on the sweet and beautiful experience He's got in store for us then and there that very day.

    Heard it said easy to lie unknowingly in a song rather than really, truly PRAY and mean the words you are singing. It's to, for GOD not others or merely ourselves. Thank you for this post and leading us all into father Gods presence. Loved the music and worship today!! Bless you!!
