Monday, November 21, 2011


Happy Thanksgiving to all!

We have so much to be grateful for. God has given us more than we'll ever need. With Christmas rapidly following, along with all the blessings of family and festivities that we may experience this time of year, our schedules can become very overloaded. I don't ever want to become so absorbed with the busyness of the season that I forget why I'm here and Who I live for.

Here are five simple things we can do every morning before we start our busy day.

1. Acknowledge God's greatness and thank Him for the miracle of another day.

2. Tell Him that you want to make a difference for His kingdom and that you will purpose to be sensitive to those around you, making the most of every opportunity to share His love with others.

3. Trust Him to meet the needs of your day.

4.Reflect on you life. Confess any known sin and ask Him to reveal anything unknown that needs to be made right. Forgive anyone who has hurt you and depend on the Holy Spirit to keep you from sin.

5. Again, acknowledge God's greatness and thank Him for the miracle of another day.

Blessings to everyone during this engaging time of year!